Sookmyung Women’s University invited seven brilliant students from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia to the 2024 UNESCO UNITWIN Advanced Workshop and Hackathon sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea, from 10 to 15 November 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Seven UPI students, Jihan Salimah Muwahhid, Adelia Dewi Mariyam, Salma Pebriani, Siti Sarah Herlina Romli, Hilwa Dhiyya Haibah Dzakkiyah, Salma Harun Basalamah, and Muthia Aisyah Rezano, were selected and invited for their best result at the 2024 Digital and Leadership Training conducted in August 2024 at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This program marks prolonged partnerships between Sookmyung Women’s University (SMU) and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).
In the closing ceremony, students share their engagement with the training results and their comprehensive experience with Korean culture and technology. One of UPI students, Jihan Salimah Muwahhid, and her teammates won the best presenter for a digital class, where they built and piloted the target prediction of a bank marketing campaign. Their initial pilot project is hoped to be developed into a beneficial program for refined marketing analysis.
The 2024 UNESCO UNITWIN Advanced Workshop and Hackathon was closed by the cultural excursion to the National Museum of Korea. Students were able to explore Korean history and development and its legacy. This program exposed important value for students to learn, grow, and train their competence in a global forum. (written by Intan, photos by Siti Sarah and Sookmyung Women’s University)